Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rosegirls haul

Everyone seems to be raving about the chunk cake wax melts from RG and to me they looked really pretty so I ordered within about 10 mins after they reopened their website sometime in August (they seem to open it in short bursts and get swamped with orders so they close their shop to work on orders.)
I think my order shipped within 3 weeks or so which seems pretty good for RG.
I got some of their melts in various destashes but so far was quite underwhelmed with the quality. However this might be to blame on the lacking freshness of destashed wax.
Anyway, I am going to melt some chunks within the next days (and did within the past days) so will build my opinion then. Today I melted that lavender pumpkin blend and it was strong but smelled really gross =/

The paper bags are I think around $9 and the muffins $2. The single chunks and the coffee muffin were freebies.


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